Hestercombe Gardens, Devon

After a morning visit to Lyme Regis and the in-laws for lunch in Yeovil we decided we would visit Hestercombe on our way home and I'm glad we did. 

By far the most interesting part of the garden is planted to the south of an ugly house. Designed by Lutyens and planted by Jekyll it remains faithful to this day to the original plan. 

The main steps form the entrance to the front of the house and the Lutyens/ Jekyll garden beyond.

Some of the intricate paving 

The main garden. Great planting, even better design and layout. 

The rills on either side of the main garden frame the space and lead you to the far end where a veranda takes you along the southern edge. Hidden steps lead you beautifully from one level to another without seeing those transitions. Close interaction with water is key to enjoying the space as is its interaction with the borrowed landscape of the Blackdown Hills. 

Stachys and Roses. A Jekyll combination, still used today. 



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